Pukyong National University

Network and Data Science Lab

Eun Lee

Eun Lee (이 은)

Assistant Professor at the Department of Scientific Computing

Ph.D. in Network Science, Sungkyunkwan University (Suwon), Feb. 2018
B.S. in Information Communication, Ewha Womans University, Aug. 2007

Phone: (+82) 051-629-4515

Email: eunlee@pknu.ac.kr

Address: C24 (room 7413), Yongso-ro 45, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of Korea, 48513

Google Scholar, Linkedin

Byungyun Jeon

Byungyun Jeon (전병윤)

Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Scientific Computing

Ph.D. in Urban Engineering, Chungbuk National University, Aug. 2022

Research interest: Urban Planning, land Use Planning, Urban Spatial Analysis, System dynamics

Email: jeonby@pknu.ac.kr

Woojin Jung

Woojin Jung (정우진)

B.S. course at KAIST

Research interest: Science of Science, Research funding policy

Chihyun Park

Chihyun Park (박치현)

B.S. course at Department of Scientific Computing


research intersts:relations with professor and postdoc

hobby:play games and take a walk with my dog, allu

Eunseo Lee

Eunseo Lee (이은서)

B.S. course at Department of Scientific Computing


research intersts:여행 산업 관련 데이터 분석

hobby:일본어 공부

Jiyu Park

Jiyu Park (박지유)

B.S. course at Department of Scientific Computing


research intersts:사회 불평등이나 모호한 상관관계를 분석하는 것, 사람들이 만연하게 알지만 이유를 정확히 알지 못하는 것들을 분석하여 알아내는 것

hobby:뮤지컬 관람, 계획 짜기, 해정언니와의 미적분 스터디..

Sunmin Lim

Sunmin Lim (임선민)

B.S. course at Department of Scientific Computing


research intersts:빅데이터 분석

hobby:노래 듣기 및 독서

Hyeonmin Roh (노현민) - 군휴학 중

B.S. course at Department of Scientific Computing

Email: 202210637@pknu.ac.kr


research intersts: Academic inbreeding, Social inequality

hobby: Always seeking for new things